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Returns an instance or instances of a resource.

See also:
[ StackQL Resource Hierarchy ]





SELECT { * | <fieldList> } FROM { <multipartIdentifier> | <joinStatement(s)> }
WHERE <expression>
[ GROUP BY <fieldList> ]
[ HAVING <expression> ]
[ ORDER BY <fieldList> [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ LIMIT <integer> ]
[ UNION <selectStatement> ];


Basic SELECT Statement

Run a basic SELECT statement in an authenticated session.

-- Selecting all resources deployed within a service using a basic SELECT statement
SELECT * FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Returning specified fields using a SELECT Statement

Run a SELECT statement with a column list to return specified fields from a Compute Engine instance.

-- Selecting specified fields from a resource
SELECT id, name
FROM google.compute.instances
WHERE project = 'stackql-demo'
AND zone = 'australia-southeast1-a';

Return a result set ordered by a column in ascending order using the ORDER BY clause

Run a SELECT statement to return fields from the Cloud Storage buckets resource, ordering the results in ascending order (oldest first).

-- Order a list of Cloud Storage buckets by creation time (in ascending order)
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated;

Return a result set ordered by a column in descending order using the ORDER BY clause

Run a SELECT statement to return fields from the Cloud Storage buckets resource, ordering the results in descending order (newest first).

-- Order a list of Cloud Storage buckets by creation time (in descending order)
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated DESC;

Get the top result from a column using the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses

Run a SELECT statement to return the most recently created Cloud Storage bucket.

-- Find the most recently created bucket
SELECT name, location, timeCreated
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
ORDER BY timeCreated DESC LIMIT 1;

Use the COUNT function with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to count resources based upon a grouping and filter

Run a SELECT statement with a COUNT function, using the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to return the number of buckets in every location other than Asia.

-- Return a count of the number of buckets in every location other than Asia
SELECT name, location, count(*) as num_buckets
FROM WHERE project = 'stackql'
GROUP BY location
HAVING location != 'ASIA';

For more information on the COUNT function and other aggregate functions supported by StackQL see Aggregate Functions.

Get list of On Demand VMs and corresponding network interface from Azure VM Scaleset

Run a SELECTstatement using SPLIT_PART and JSON_EXTRACT functions to get list of OD VMs and their NICs. Note that without a qualifier the subscriptionId and resourceGroupName is applied to all the three Resources.

SELECT AS vm_name,
SPLIT_PART(JSON_EXTRACT(,'$.networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id'), '/', -1) AS nic_name
azure.compute.virtual_machine_scale_sets a
INNER JOIN azure.compute.virtual_machine_scale_set_vms b
ON = b.virtualMachineScaleSetName
INNER JOIN azure.compute.virtual_machines c
ON =
WHERE subscriptionId = '0123456789'
AND resourceGroupName = 'vmss-flex'
AND JSON_EXTRACT(,'$.priority') is null;